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npm インストールできるパッケージを確認する



  • OS  CentOS Stream release 8
  • node V12.16.3
  • npm 6.14.7



npm search


npm search vue

NAME                      | DESCRIPTION          | AUTHOR          | DATE       | VERSION  | KEYWORDS
vue                       | Reactive,…           | =yyx990803      | 2020-08-20 | 2.6.12   | vue     
vue-template-compiler     | template compiler…   | =yyx990803      | 2020-08-20 | 2.6.12   | vue compiler
bootstrap-vue             | With more than 85…   | =jackmu95 =pi0… | 2020-11-08 | 2.19.0   | Bootstrap Bootstrap v4 Bootstrap for Vue Vue Vue.js Vue v2 S
vue-router                | Official router for… | =yyx990803…     | 2020-11-05 | 3.4.9    | vue router routing
@fortawesome/vue-fontawes | Official Vue…        | =devoto13…      | 2020-09-01 | 2.0.0    | 
ome                       |                      |                 |            |          | 
eslint-plugin-vue         | Official ESLint…     | =yyx990803…     | 2020-10-18 | 7.1.0    | eslint eslint-plugin eslint-config vue vuejs rules
@doc88/flux-icon          | Flux Icons           | =arthurvdiniz…  | 2020-07-17 | 1.4.4-b… | flux icons icon svg vue vuejs vue-icons
vue-js-modal              | Modal Component for… | =euvl           | 2020-07-11 | 2.0.0-r… | front-end web vue vuejs vue-js dialog alert modal vue-js-mod
vue-i18n                  | Internationalization… | =kazupon        | 2020-11-18 | 8.22.2   | i18n internationalization plugin vue vue.js
vuetify                   | Vue Material…        | =amajesticpota… | 2020-11-24 | 2.3.19   | vuetify ui framework component framework ui library componen
vue-style-loader          | Vue.js style loader… | =yyx990803…     | 2018-08-13 | 4.1.2    | 
vue-lazyload              | Vue module for…      | =imawe          | 2019-09-18 | 1.3.3    | vue-lazyload vue lazyload vue-directive
vue-loader                | Vue single-file…     | =yyx990803…     | 2020-11-02 | 15.9.5   | 
vue-property-decorator    | property decorators… | =kaorun343      | 2020-11-20 | 9.1.2    | vue typescript decorator
vue-moment                | Handy Moment.js…     | =brockpetrie…   | 2019-12-22 | 4.1.0    | vue custom date time filter moment moment.js
@coreui/vue               | CoreUI Vue…          | =coreui         | 2020-10-26 | 3.1.4    | coreui vue vue-component vue-library bootstrap framework res
vue-draggable-resizable   | Vue2 Component for…  | =mauricius      | 2020-05-03 | 2.2.0    | vue component dragabble resizable
vue-meta                  | Manage HTML…         | =declandewet…   | 2020-06-10 | 2.4.0    | attribute google head helmet info metadata meta seo server s
vue-class-component       | ES201X/TypeScript…   | =yyx990803…     | 2020-09-17 | 7.2.6    | vue class babel typescript
vue-resource              | The HTTP client for… | =steffans…      | 2018-05-20 | 1.5.1    | vue xhr http ajax